

REDuation Ceremony

The REDuation ceremony celebrates the progression from Pink (under 50) to Red (over 50) years old. Ideas: The Reduate can wear a pink hat which is then passed to the next youngest Pinkie to represent passing on of knowledge, that… Continue Reading →

Welcoming a New Member

New members can be welcomed with a ceremony where they can be presented with their name-badge and officially be given their Royal name. You may also like to give them a Hatter survival Kit. There are pledges/vows the new member… Continue Reading →

Queen’s Coronation Ceremony

The Coronation ceremony for a Queen can be whatever you want it to be. If a chapter starts off small, the Coronation can be done after the chapter has grown. Perhaps done on the 1st anniversary of the chapter or… Continue Reading →

Red Sash Ceremony

A sash is a great way to display your bling brooches without damaging your clothing (or needing to move them onto different outfits). Having a “Red Sash Ceremony” is a lovely way to celebrate a member becoming part of your… Continue Reading →

Hatter Pledges / Vows

These are several examples of pledges/vows a new member or REDuating member can say during a ceremony. Authors are unknown. You can tailor these to your own needs. Pledge Example #1 “I solemnly swear that I will greet middle age… Continue Reading →

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