ROA signed copy December 2018 ‘Rules of Association’ for ARHGA. Updated in December 2018.
PLI Policy 2020 A copy of the PLI policy for your perusal. Any queries should be directed to ARHGA Treasurer. ARHGA attempt each year to send the renewal notices to every group in Australia. If for any reason you… Continue Reading →
If you are hosting an event, you might like to have a sign-in list, so that each attendee signs in. This may be beneficial (or even required) for your Public Liability Insurance, so there is a record of who attended… Continue Reading →
Please note the following information is NOT legal advice and is here to give you a very basic understanding of the issue of Public Liability Insurance as it relates to Red Hatting. If you have any questions about insurance or… Continue Reading →
Generally speaking, Hatters don’t do fundraising. However there may be times when chapters want to raise money to help a particular charity, or to raise chapter funds for convention costuming or other chapter needs. Fundraising ideas: Fines – Charge a… Continue Reading →
Sometimes when you go out for a meal with a group of people the venue won’t do “Split Bills” (where each person can pay for their food separately). This can make it difficult for everyone to pay the bill at… Continue Reading →
Some chapters have celebrations they do for Christmas and Birthdays. Some chapters will send members a birthday card on their birthday, or mention all the birthdays for the month in their newsletters. Chapter funds may be used to pay for… Continue Reading →
You may like to hold a larger get-together with ladies from other local chapters, or open it up to invite any Hatters. Organising a larger event can be a bit daunting so here are some tips: Pick a date that… Continue Reading →
Please note the following information is NOT legal advice and is here to give you a very basic understanding of indemnity waivers as they relate to Red Hatting. If you have any questions please see a professional Lawyer. In layman’s… Continue Reading →
Chapter names can be fun, quirky or simply descriptive. Try to make sure there isn’t already a chapter in your state or country with the same name, to avoid confusion! When thinking up a name, think of some terms you… Continue Reading →
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