
Aussie Red & Pink Hatting

Literal Fashion Show

The idea is to take an outfit name, such as “bell bottoms” and make a literal version, for example attaching bells onto your derriere. A selection of names for clothing items that could have literal meanings are placed in a… Continue Reading →

Red Hatter Pass The Parcel

A great way to be able to do a “pass-the-parcel” without needing music. Each layer has a little card attached that gives instructions on who the parcel should be passed to. Download the printable file here

Red Hatter Word Search

  Download these as a black & white printable


We have created some BINGO sheets for you to print out! The cards have both the picture of the item and the name of it, to help identify what the picture is.  We’ve included the call cards as well (Little… Continue Reading →

Have You Ever?

Score 1 point for each answer you answer “yes” to. Person with either the most or least points wins! Or you can have everyone sitting down, and stand up when they answer yes. The winner is the last person left… Continue Reading →

The Ladies Game

Each lady has a pen and paper to keep track of her score. As the rhyme is read out, the ladies will add or subtract points from their total according to the answers. The player with the most points wins…. Continue Reading →

Right & Left Game

These games are a great way to do a “pass the parcel” – as you read the story out, whenever the word “RIGHT” is spoken, the parcel is passed to the right. When the word “LEFT” is spoken, the parcel… Continue Reading →

Sitting Scavenger Hunt

Everyone needs to tally up how many points they have, by adding or removing points according to the following lists (use one or the other): Phone? Is it on? -9 points Is if OFF? +9 points. 4 points for each… Continue Reading →

Red Hat Regalia Game

Count all the regalia you have on today! The largest number wins!!! If you wore a red, purple, lavender or pink hat today, give yourself 50 points. Give yourself 5 points for each red, purple, pink or lavender hat you… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Eve to Remember

Pass the parcel – with a difference! Everyone sits in a circle or around a table. A wrapped gift (or more than one if you have a large group) is handed out to start with. The ladies will be passing… Continue Reading →

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