Chapter names can be fun, quirky or simply descriptive. Try to make sure there isn’t already a chapter in your state or country with the same name, to avoid confusion!

When thinking up a name, think of some terms you might like to use in the name. Think about:

  • When you think about Red Hatters, what are the first words that pop into your mind? Write those down and see if any of them might work in your Chapter name.
  • What would you like the group to be about? If you’re wanting to convey a fun and sillyness to the group, then you can name the group with that in mind. If you want a more sophisticated and regal sounding name, then think about that.
  • Any particular hobbies or things you like (for example if you like gardening, you might like to use “rose” or a flower name in the Chapter name)
  • Do you want to include the location? Such as “The Red Hatters of <town>” (Works well if your town name starts with R or H)
  • You can use hat related (or other fitting) phrases too. For example “Caught Red Hatted“, “If the Red Hat Fits”, “You can leave your Hat on” and so on.