These are several examples of pledges/vows a new member or REDuating member can say during a ceremony. Authors are unknown. You can tailor these to your own needs.

Pledge Example #1

“I solemnly swear that I will greet middle age with verve, humour and élan.
I will take my silliness seriously as it is the comic relief of life in the spirit of friendship and sisterhood.
I join my red/pink hat sisters as we go for the gusto together.
And beneath the frivolity we will share a bond of affection, common life experiences and a genuine enthusiasm for life and living.”

Pledge Example #2

“We do solemnly promise on our hats,
That we will do our best to uphold the spirit
Of the ……..(name of the group/chapter) and Hatting.
And proudly wear the colours – purple outfits and red hats, at all our functions.
And never take our hats off, even though it gives us hat hair.”

Pledge Example #3

“I, ……. pledge to have fun, and only fun with the …….. <group/chapter>.
I offer friendship to my Hatter sisters and respect the ideals of the society.
I will wear my full regalia of purple (lavender) outfit with my red (pink) hat to all chapter gatherings”

Pledge Example #4

“I,…… not solemnly, but with a silly grin, pledge on to uphold the spirit of Hatting and have fun while participating with my sisters.
I will proudly wear my regalia of purple/lavender outfit with my red/pink hat and will participate and give all that I can with my red heart.”

Pledge Example #5

“I……. pledge to wear my colours proudly, never be ashamed of having fun,
And show my spirit of adventure at dressing up and trying something new.
I will forget the troubles of the outside world and turn back the hand of time and reach inside for the little girl within me.
I will laugh, giggle and enjoy in play and treat all fellow hatters with hattitude and show honour amongst my hatter sisters.”

Pledge Example #6

“I… being of somewhat sound mind, and desiring to have more fun in the prime of my life, do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the Hatters, as soon as I figure out what they are.”

Pledge Example #7

“I,_____ , not solemnly but with a silly grin, pledge on my red/pink hat to have fun, and only fun, with ________. I will uphold the spirit by proudly wearing to all gatherings the full regalia of a purple/lavender outfit with an accompanying red/pink hat, even if I look horrific in purple/lavender. I promise to never take off my hat at gatherings, even though it gives me hat hair. I will do more than just belong. I will participate and give all that I can with my red heart. I will be more than friendly, I will be a friend in sisterhood to all the Hatters.”

Pledge Example #8

“I vow to embrace this time in my life as the beginning of the best.
I will reserve at least one day of each month for me.
I accept chocolate as a main food group.
I consider dessert as the main course of a meal.
I will do my best not to take life too seriously.
I choose to laugh as often as possible.
I believe that fun is an essential in life.
I welcome the Hatter adventures that await me.
I accept the friendships that are around me.
I will be a dedicated Hatter!”

Pledge Example #9

“Do you solemnly promise on your red hat, that you will do your best, to uphold the spirit of ___{chapter name}___ and Hatting

and proudly wear the colours at all our functions and never take your hat off, even though it gives you hat hair?
Do you agree to deal with growing more mature with humour and to take our foolishness seriously?

Do you promise to speak only of pleasant subjects at ___{chapter name}____ gatherings?

Do you promise to learn to play your kazoo in the proper manner, or at least learn Happy Birthday?

Do you join in the spirit of friendship & sisterhood as we bond together affectionately, by common, been there, done that & with real enthusiasm for whatever comes next?”

Pledge Example #10

“I, _________________________, do hereby pledge:
To wear my hatter colours proudly.
To never be ashamed of having fun.
To show my spirit of adventure at dress-ups by trying something new.
To forget the troubles of the “outside” world during dress-ups.
To turn back time and reach for the little girl inside of me.
To giggle, laugh, dress-up, and play.
To treat not only my chapter, but all other chapters with hattitude that shows honor among all my hatter sisters.”