
The Red Hat Society (RHS) is the largest International women’s social club – whose focus is on living life to the fullest, celebrating getting older and sisterhood.

Hatters meet up in our distinctive colours, for all manner of different activities and gatherings.  Sometimes in small local groups for regular outings, as well as connecting together for larger interstate and International events and conventions.

Women over 50 years of age dress in the distinctive purple clothing and red hats and are known as “Red Hatters” Women under 50 are welcome too, dressing in lavender and pink and known as “Pink Hatters” (until they REDuate!).

Hatters hold events ranging from picnics and coffee mornings, to elaborate themed dinners and even cruises! Loads of fun to be had by all, and many opportunities to make friends and socialise with other fun-loving women.

Links to content within this website:

Articles & Resources 

Hatting Around Australia

Hatting Events 


This “Aussie Hatting” website is an unofficial website, with resources and information intended for use by Hatters around Australia.
This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Red Hat Society.